What Groundhog Predict for 2023? 

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On Groundhog Day,

the eyes of the nation have turned to a small town in Western Pennsylvania. 

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On Every 2nd February, 

Anyone can talk about the only story is whether or not Punxsutawney Phil will see his own shadow.  If he does: six more weeks of winter.  If he doesn't: spring is on its way.

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Thursday morning, thousands of early risers either tuned in or bundled up to watch Punxsutawney Phil emerge from a tree stump and predict the weather. 

The groundhog — the most famous member of his species and the most recognizable of all the country's animal prognosticators.

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People gathered at Gobbler's Knob as members of Punxsutawney Phil's "inner circle" summoned him from his tree stump at dawn to learn if he has seen his shadow.

But, Did Groundhog see his shadow?

On This 2nd February 2023,

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Means Six More Week Winter

According to folklore, if he sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, spring comes early. And they say yes he did. 

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The "inner circle" is a group of local dignitaries who are responsible for planning the events, as well as feeding and caring for Phil himself.

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According to the source: Phil's accuracy rate is about 40% over the last decade.  

40% accuracy

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